martes, 23 de noviembre de 2010

GRAMAR. Verbs followed by objects and infinitives....

He wanted me to do the homework for him.
Can somebody help me to move the chair?
I would like to see you soon.
He says, he would prefer us to visit him next week.
David helps me to deliver the letters.
I´d prefer to go by car than by bycicle.

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello there Malu!
    It is too nice and colorfull your blog! Like breathtaking hahahaha...
    Your text are complex and obviously it shows your great level, good for that.
    Last of course, cool idea to write about the story of the toque blanque (I don´t know in it must begin with capital letter) and italian culture.
    Good rate for your blog! ;)
