domingo, 21 de noviembre de 2010


If you ask someone, what is the name of the chef´s hat?.....I´m totaly sure that nobody knows, but this hat is so important when you are a chef, that for me is a pleasure to tell the story behind this culinary icon.

Long before molecular gastronomy, new tecnics and innovative cooking, was the "TOQUE  BLANCHE" invented, The word  comes Arabic, but it has been known in English since 1505.
The Toque Blache is a type of hat with a narrow brim or no brim at all. They were popular from the 13th to the 16th century in Europe, especially in France. Today, it is known as the traditional hat for professional cooks.

This white hat is the most important culinary icon in the gastronomy history. It is a tall, round, pleated, starched. The many folds on a Toque Blanche are believed to signify the many ways that a chef can cook an egg. ((It has exactly 101 pleats))   :0
In the gastronomy history the toque was the result of the gradual evolution of head coverings worn by cooks throughout the centuries. Even in that time the hygiene was important. Boucher, the personal chef of the French statesman Talleyrand, was the first to insist on white toques for sanitary reasons.

Their roots are sometimes traced to the casque a Meche wear by 18th-century French chefs. The color of the casque a Meche denoted the rank of the wearer.

The modern toque and the complete uniform was created by  the famous French chefs Marie-Antoine Carême and Auguste Escoffier.

5 comentarios:

  1. An interesting text about a different, but even so important, topic. Well done!
    • If you ask someone, drop the “to”
    • you can drop “thing” it is not necessary, or maybe you can change to “object” which would sound more educated to say, a little bit more formal which often is necessary in written texts
    • Chef is with lower-case letter
    • “than for me” is wrong, it should be “that for me”
    • “that culinary icon” should be “this culinary icon” since you are writing about it
    • was the TOUQUE BLANCHE invented
    • the word comes
    • especially in France
    • Not “Now”, it is better with “Today”
    • This white hat is the most important…
    • …history. It is tall, ….
    • It has
    • French chefs

  2. I really didn't know about that.. And sometimes I asked myself about this (What's the name of the Chefs hat Haha..) And It's good to find the answer.. Congratulations for your text.. Because I know that this topic is too important for you..

  3. thanks for your comment Laura!! ;)

  4. it's a exellent article,congratulations as well I tkink that you are a good chef.good luck in your future.
